发布时间:2024-03-02 17:14源自:https://yulu.febdays.com整理:二月繁华阅读(450)
1、Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road. 有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛。—— 《怦然心动》
2、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有人住高楼,有人在深沟,有人光万丈,有人一身锈,世人万千种,浮云莫去求,斯人若彩虹,遇上方知有。—— 《怦然心动》
3、A painting is more than the sum of its parts. A cow by itself is just a cow. A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. And the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them all together, and it can be magic. 千笔万笔一幅画,一牛一草一丛花。 熠熠阳光穿树过,物景相合生造化。—— 《怦然心动》
4、I want to stay around you. Now and forever, let it be me.我想和你一起厮守,不管天荒地老,让我跟你一起。—— 《怦然心动》
5、Let it be me 但愿陪在你身边的人是我—— 《怦然心动》
6、The higher i got,the more amazed i was by the view. 站得越高,眼前的风景越惊艳美丽。—— 《怦然心动》
7、And she's been stalking me since the second grade. - Well, a girl like that doesn't live next door to everyone. - 她从二年级起就老是缠着我。 - 这种女孩可是可遇不可求的。—— 《怦然心动》
8、Moved from my head to my heart. 整体大于部分之和。—— 《怦然心动》
9、Miss you too much but miss you, love you too much and never give up you.太想你反而错过你,太爱你从未放弃你。
10、I don’t know what came over me. it was like I was possessed or something. 我不知道自己怎么了,就像着了魔一样。—— 《怦然心动》
11、All I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and that his smile melted my heart like the sun melts butter.我只知道他有一双我见过的最漂亮的眼睛,他的笑容像阳光融化黄油一样融化了我的心。—— 《怦然心动》
12、Better late than never. 姗姗来迟总比没来好。—— 《怦然心动》
13、The higher I got, the more amazed I was by the view. 我爬得越高,眼前的风景便愈发迷人。—— 《怦然心动》
14、But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent. And when you do,nothing will ever compare. 有天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚烂的人, 当你遇到这个人后会觉得其他人都只是浮云而已。—— 《怦然心动》
15、I blessed a day I found you 我祈祷有一天能遇见你—— 《怦然心动》
16、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。—— 《怦然心动》
17、I know we weren’t rich, but I didn’t feel we were missing anything.我知道我们不富裕,但从未感觉到匮乏。—— 《怦然心动》
18、And I realized Garrett was right about one thing: I had flipped. Completely. 我意识到加利特一件事是说对了:我心动了。完全心动了。—— 《怦然心动》
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